Oh, cry me a rainbow river, you pathetic whiners. Excuse me, but I'm old enough to remember the '70s, when being gay was a personal choice, not a political identity. This idea that TV viewers don't have a right to decide for themselves what is or is not offensive -- an undemocratic impulse, wherein the ideological dogma of the elite must triumph over the common sense of the majority -- is actually a cause of homophobia, and not its cure.When CBS had Adam Lambert as a guest on its "Early Show" Wednesday morning, it may have believed it would placate viewers who were upset when Mr. Lambert had his invitation withdrawn by ABC's "Good Morning America." Instead, the booking has led to further complaints from those who say Mr. Lambert has been subjected to a double standard. . . .
In a statement, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation said that CBS had been unfair in its treatment of gay performers. "I would have hoped CBS would provide the same treatment for images of gay and lesbian people and not create an unfair double standard that treats our community differently," said the alliance's president, Jarrett Barrios. "CBS regularly shows kisses throughout” its daytime programming. "The kiss was not blurred on ABC nor in news coverage on other networks."
In 2009, homosexuality no longer has the culture-shock value that Lambert sought to exploit. His performance was merely tasteless. ABC, CBS and other TV networks are engaged in a commercial enterprise, and must therefore keep in mind the sensibilities of the viewing public, rather than kowtow to the PC dictatorship of GLAAD.
GLAAD is demanding that TV networks broadcast programming that a majority of viewers don't want to watch -- and implying that TV viewers who change the channel are guilty of a "hate crime."
Laura Gallier has some thoughts on Adam Lambert's unshocking performance, and I have further thoughts at the Hot Air Greenroom.
UPDATE: Let's talk real hate:
Speaking of repulsive scenes on TV: Auburn 14, Alabama 0 in the 1st QTR? That's DISGUSTING!I must clarify that "NTTAWWT" applies only to gays, not to Auburn fans, who are truly disgusting.
-- rsmccain on Twitter
'Bama spotted Auburn 2 TDs, just to make it interesting. ROLL TIDE ROLL!
-- rsmccain on Twitter
@Auburnwareagles Are More Gay Than Adam Lambert http://tinyurl.com/ylrkb75 NTTAWWT
-- rsmccain on Twitter
UPDATE II: E-mail to a gay conservative:
Thanks for your reply. As I explained at my own blog, I hate the faux-bohemian (faux-hemian?) poseurs who think the bourgeoisie exist only to have their sensibilities shocked. Adam Lambert certainly didn't shock me, except that any singer would be so stupid as to publicly seek the "More Gay Than Clay Aiken" award. In terms of niche marketing, it's not exactly lucrative. The gay audience prefers its men more manly. Unless Lambert is planning on going the camp-drag route, his flamboyant sissy act is a dead end. In a few years, he'll be lucky to get a gig lip-synching old Bette Midler songs in a show bar.You don't shock us, Adam Lambert. You bore us.
What is repugnant about Lambert is his insulting assumption that he was doing something original, as if we hadn't seen this act before. He is merely rehashing a bogus exhibitionist stance of cultural opposition -- "Oh, look at me! I'm daring! I'm radical! I'm naked!" -- that was transmitted from the '50s beatniks to the '60s hippies and thereafter became a cliche. (When I was a teenager in the '70s, National Lampoon mocked it mercilessly.)
It was not until Madonna came along in the mid-'80s that fake outrage enjoyed any new currency, and then only because Madonna's teeny-bopper fans were too young to remember the '60s. I liked Madonna's first album OK -- "Lucky Star" and "Holiday" were clever -- and was working as a nightclub DJ when it came out. But the ridiculous hype whereby she was presented as an "innovative" artist? Oh, please. By the time she released her coffee-table book, "Sex," in 1992, I'd taken a massive dislike to her -- which was also my reaction to that other '80s "icon," Michael Jackson.
That these third-hand recycled tropes of faux-hemianism are now being fobbed off once more as if they were pioneering artistic expressions is so ridiculous as to deserve laughter. And for GLAAD to pretend that a network's response to audience complaints is "discrimination" or "censorship" is even more absurd. Nobody has a right to perform on national television, and if the producers of the AMA show had told Adam Lambert, "Go away, you talentless twerp," prior to the broadcast he wouldn't have had a legal leg to stand on. But these Official Gay Movement fascisti think that everybody quivers in fear at their bullying tactics, and that nobody will ever call them out for their dishonest thuggery.
Guess what? They're wrong. And I'm sure there are plenty of gay people like you who are sick and tired of being exploited by these Official Gay Movement elitists who are, in fact, just the lavender wing of the Democratic Party. GLAAD doesn't represent ordinary gay people any more than the AFL-CIO represents ordinary blue-collar workers or NOW represents ordinary women.
For that matter, now that I think about it, obnoxious punks like Adam Lambert don't represent most musicians, either. Ted Nugent and Gene Simmons know a thing or two about outrageous showmanship, but I rather doubt they'd endorse the kind of childish stunt Lambert pulled on the AMA. Putting on a show for your audience is one thing; insulting their intelligence is something else. Trying to substitute sexual politics for actual talent is a form of artistic counterfeiting. My advice to Lambert would be to start memorizing Bette Midler lyrics now.
-- RSM
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